comments allowed on timeline

6 Simple Steps for Customizing Your Facebook Timeline | Blogging.
How To: Review Tags and Posts Before They Appear on Your.
A cover photo is the larger photo at the top of your timeline, right above your profile picture.. on your timeline, click Hide next to On your timeline at the top of the comment box of the photo. What Page names are allowed on Facebook?
friends can't post/comment/like on timeline but CAN post/comment/like when my stuff runs through the newsfeed - Did facebook update something? 26 answers.
Here's an overview of who can see what's on your timeline and tools you can use to control what you share.
February 29, 2012 By Jon Loomer 1 Comment. to “See a list of all your Facebook Pages,” you'll be allowed to turn on the preview to all of your pages at once.
Feb 29, 2012. Here are the seven most important things to know about timeline for. 7 Crucial Things About Timeline For Facebook Pages. Comments.
Search | Facebook Help Center | Facebook.
The first lets you adjust the privacy of your posts, or it shows you the privacy setting if it's a story created by a friend (like when someone writes on your timeline or.
How to Edit Facebook Timeline Featured Likes -
Mar 1, 2012. Click the circle icon labeled “Allowed on Timeline” and choose “Delete Comment. ” Deleting Your Own Comments. ~ Ty Arthur. Tags: delete.
To choose who can see posts you've been tagged in after they appear on your timeline, click the account menu at the top right of any Facebook page and.
Mar 22, 2013. For about a year, we have been using the 20or text allowed within the Facebook Timeline (cover) to be a comment on a client's biz - but no.
You can choose to not show posts by others on your Page's timeline until you. which posts should be allowed on your Page's timeline for everyone to see.
comments allowed on timeline
Goodreads Feedback - Bugs: Posting to Facebook timeline in past.You can Like or comment on anything posted to your Timeline.. You can adjust your Privacy Settings if you want to control who is allowed to post on your.
Facebook Timeline: 9 things you need to know –