bounty hunter crew skills old republic

Bounty Hunter D'nar - NPCs - Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR.
STAR WARS: The Old Republic - Crew Skills Offline.
Simplify Crew Skills Crew Skills.. actually go to a wiki and read up on it, you'll get it. Not all Bounty Hunters die screaming like a 4 yr old girl.
Dec 22, 2011. IYO, are there any crew skills that are "best suited" for a powertech Bounty Hunter ? I was thinking cybertech? MAYBE armortech? But then.
bounty hunter crew skills old republic
STAR WARS: The Old Republic - what crew skill for sorc ?Crew Skills Offline Crew Skills.. Your crew skills are progressing after you log out.. Not all Bounty Hunters die screaming like a 4 yr old girl.
Bounty Hunter crafing question Crew Skills.. All right, here is the situation: I have a lv.50 sith jugg whose crew skils are synthweaving (400);.
bounty hunter crew skills old republic
Best crew skills for a bounty hunter? -
Best crew skills for a bounty hunter? - Star Wars: The Old Republic.
STAR WARS: The Old Republic - Crew Skill opinions.
Cybertech is a Crafting Crew Skill that allows you to create Armoring, .. If you want to create a good tanking earpiece for a Bounty Hunter.